
Archive for the ‘justice department’ Category





Matt Stoller’s beautiful tribute of Aaron Swartz

“As we think about what happened to Aaron, we need to recognize that it was not just prosecutorial overreach that killed him. That’s too easy, because that implies it’s one bad apple. We know that’s not true. What killed him was corruption. Corruption isn’t just people profiting from betraying the public interest. It’s also people being punished for upholding the public interest. In our institutions of power, when you do the right thing and challenge abusive power, you end up destroying a job prospect, an economic opportunity, a political or social connection, or an opportunity for media. Or if you are truly dangerous and brilliantly subversive, as Aaron was, you are bankrupted and destroyed. There’s a reason whistleblowers get fired. There’s a reason Bradley Manning is in jail. There’s a reason the only CIA official who has gone to jail for torture is the person – John Kiriako – who told the world it was going on. There’s a reason those who destroyed the financial system “dine at the White House”, as Lawrence Lessig put it. There’s a reason former Senator Russ Feingold is a college professor whereas former Senator Chris Dodd is now a multi-millionaire. There’s a reason DOJ officials do not go after bankers who illegally foreclose, and then get jobs as partners in white collar criminal defense. There’s a reason no one has been held accountable for decisions leading to the financial crisis, or the war in Iraq. This reason is the modern ethic in American society that defines success as climbing up the ladder, consequences be damned. Corrupt self-interest, when it goes systemwide, demands that it protect rentiers from people like Aaron, that it intimidate, co-opt, humiliate, fire, destroy, and/or bankrupt those who stand for justice.”

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“I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends… that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.”
Adlai E. Stevenson

An important article by Robert Parry over at consortium news Why the Right’s Propaganda Works

“Many on the Left are blaming President Barack Obama and middle-of-the-road Democrats for maneuvering health-care reform into a fast-approaching head-on collision. And some of that criticism is well deserved for foolishly letting Republicans get their hands on the wheel at all.

But American liberals and progressives – especially the wealthy ones – should take a hard look in the mirror when assessing blame. For three decades now, the Left has sat back and done next to nothing to build a media infrastructure while the Right has put together a truly powerful media machine.”

Some of us, in fighting for local progressive media outlets, have continually hit our heads against the wall after approaching those with money or influence to help us, only to be turned away again and again and told it’s unnecessary!

When we asked for help at procuring a local radio outlet they were only interested in the “new, sexy” media… the internet. When we said that the demographic we need to reach doesn’t use the internet, it fell on deaf ears!

After the ’06 elections I sat in my congressperson’s office and listened to his top Aide tell me “What are you worried about? we have the congress now!” Robert Parry correctly calls this Magical Thinking! When said Aide left a few months later for a job with a big oil company in Texas (& my congressman is considered one of the pre-eminent liberals in a leadership position in Washington) it helped underscore the problem of corporate control and influence in government, media, and frankfully, almost everything else. Given Obama’s internet savvy and understanding of organizing the grassroots, I have been surprised at how toned deaf the whole healthcare strategy has been! The administration has continually let the rightwing frame and control the entire debate. Something has got to change! The White  House has launched another fact checking site, but it may be too little, too late:SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT

Again, they need. to. control. the. audio. media. message!

Tell Obama that the public option is not optional.  Please sign (credoaction).

Robert Reich calls for ‘march on Washington’ in support of public option
Again, if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it…?!

“…an effective communication system should have been built. Not for dictating what to say, but for creating a system of effectively trained spokespeople, who can get the basic progressive values out there every day to compete with the very effective conservative system. It should not work issue by issue, but in addition to the issues of the day; it should promote general values that apply to all issues.

The elements are all in existence. The money is there. Indeed it would be a lot cheaper to build than spending tens of millions of dollars on health care ads. What it would accomplish is laying the groundwork in advance of any particular issue. The work of such a communication system would be to activate ideas already there in the millions of citizens who have progressive as well as conservative worldviews in their brain circuitry. The idea would be to make progressive ideas stronger and conservative ideas weaker, balancing what the conservative communication system is doing now.

It is rather late in the game for the stimulus, cap and trade and health care, but better late than never. And it would be indispensable for future policy campaigns. Framing a powerful message is a lot easier when the groundwork for it has already been laid. Without the groundwork, it is much harder.”
– George Lakoff
The Policy-Speak Disaster for Health Care

Wendell Potter: Is Obama Planning to Sign Congress’ Health Care Reform Bill with Lipstick?

Former Governor Don Siegelman has launched a new online campaign: www.FireRovesProsecutors.com, “dedicated to seeing those Rove-vetted U.S. Attorneys and appointees still poisoning the Department of Justice removed from their positions — ending their ability to threaten our democracy.”

Contact the President’s Senior Adviser, Valerie Jarrett, today. Tell the President it’s time to remove Rove’s cabal in the Justice Department!

Rove Op-Ed Reveals He Had Inside Information About Probe Larisa Alexandrovna 8/20/09

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Some petitions to sign:


Call the Attorney General’s Office (Eric Holder), ask him to intervene in the Don Siegelman case (drop the charges, replace the Bush appointed U.S. Attorneys) 201-514-2001 More information at Free Don Siegelman   and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreeDonSiegelman

Stand With Dr. Dean on Healthcare Reform

Citizens For A Public Option

We Want The Public Option

Some interesting links:

America’s Future NOW! Conference 
(formerly “
Take Back America“) 

Murder, Spies & Voting Lies  
The Clint Curtis Story

Project Expose MSM  
Sibel Edmonds’ new blog  123 Real Change

The Ugly Truth Behind Organic Food

Tomgram: Andy Kroll, Six Ways the Financial Bailout Scams Taxpayers

Life in a Real-Wealth Economy – David Korten reads a chapter from his latest book Agenda for a New Economy     

Brigid leads our local OFA chapter meeting 5/31/09

Brigid leads our local OFA chapter meeting 5/31/09

A few Saturdays ago, I went to the Boston area OFAMA meeting to discuss how best to support & implement the administration’s healthcare, education, environmental/energy reform policies utilizing the organizing structure put in place by the Obama campaign. Yesterday afternoon, my local chapter met to concentrate on healthcare. There will be a healthcare “Day of Service” on June 27th. More information to come…
Last week I met with Mark Gallagher, staff assistant to Rep. Edward Markey as part of a group sponsored by moveon.org to discuss the coming Waxman-Markey Energy Reform Bill . We were asking Markey to keep the bill as strong as possible and resist attempts to water down the bill. Contact Markey’s office with support & comments: 781-396-2900 (Medford) 508-875-2900 (Framingham) or 202-225-2836 (DC).






Mark Gallagher from Rep. Markey's Office meets with local moveon members 5/18/09

Mark Gallagher from Rep. Markey's Office meets with local moveon members 5/18/09



















Constituents meet to discuss Energy Policy at Rep. Markey's Office 5/18/09

Constituents meet to discuss Energy Policy at Rep. Markey's Office 5/18/09



















Markey's Office Pledges to stay strong on Green Energy Policy 5/18/09

Markey's Office Pledges to stay strong on Green Energy Policy 5/18/09

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